Men’s Topic #6: Love the one you’re with

Our topic this week was about LOVING your spouse.  In our OC world everyone is looking for more, coveting, and thinking that ‘the grass is always greener’.   If you want a GREAT marriage, you have to stop looking at the other lawns and stop and water your own grass! i.e. a GREAT marriage takes SACRIFICE and HARD WORK and COMMITTMENT to LOVE her with CHRIST’S LOVE!

Our Scripture for this week is: Ephesians 5:25-33

Here is Dave’s summary email:

I want to thank Robby for being a man of courage; it isn’t easy getting up in front of a bunch of men when you are the youngest and possibly the least experienced in the group regarding the topic you were speaking on. Robby spoke on Ephesians 5:25-33. If you haven’t read it in a while please do so. It offers great marital advice. Robby told us how he sees love – as an action word, not a feeling. Love, Robby said, is not about us but about other people. Verse 25 states, “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Then, smack dab in the middle of those verses is the line, “He who loves his wife loves himself.” Wow, pretty powerful, huh?

Some things that went around the room during our discussion time were:

Love has nothing to do with the physical and everything to do with the heart

Jesus is our love coach

Marriages get neglected in the name of material success

Show love by praying with and for one another; you cannot be angry with someone if you are praying with/for them

Know your spouse’s “love language,” whether it is gifts, affirmation, physical touch, time or service (from Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages)

Spend some quality, uninterruptible time on the couch with your spouse when you first get home from work (“couch time”)

Get rid of your television and your children’s cell phones

If together, we can keep our eyes focused on Jesus rather than the imperfect human beings we are, and ask Him to love our spouse through us, we will grow closer to Him and to our spouse – as you both grow closer to Christ you grow closer to each other….

As always, please share your thoughts/comments with us!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

One thought on “Men’s Topic #6: Love the one you’re with

  1. Hey Drew! Sorry I have been out of group, working nights is just not fair! Anyway, see you next week. Regarding loving our wives, I for one, have been so fortunate. God’s most precious gift has been my wife. And even through all the recent wordly challenges, our love only grows. We have always been faithfull and I would never even think of life without her (or with anyone else). When I look back, it is she that has always turned the other cheek and loved me unconditionally. Without even knowing it, she has been emulating Christ’s love. And now, I find it so amazing, that she turns to me and says “Your faith in God and your surrender to Him have made me know that Jesus is real”. God does answer prayers! Spend time in prayer, and time with those you pray for! (remember my Blog on time?)

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