Medical Myth #4: Mammograms

Once again Dr. Newman’s research has found some astounding findings.  Here are some summary statements from his research regarding mammograms:

Roughly 25 percent or more of cancers are missed.

So how often do mammograms produce false positives? The cumulative risk of having a false-positive mammogram in ten years is 50 percent; therefore half of women undergoing regular mammograms for ten years will receive a positive result that is incorrect. Indeed, 97 percent of positive mammograms are false rather than true.


During ten years of mammograms about 20 percent of women, or one in every five, will have a false positive that leads to a biopsy.


For every 10,000 women screened routinely over ten years, it has been estimated that one case of breast cancer is caused by the radiation.

 Having mammograms was of no benefit at all.

 Women were alive and surviving at the same rate whether they had been assigned to receive mammograms or not.

finding cancer earlier may not always be the answer. In the case of breast cancer a large proportion of cancerous lumps, perhaps 25 percent or more, are slow-growing and may therefore never lead


In the case of breast cancer a large proportion of cancerous lumps, perhaps 25 percent or more, are slow-growing and may therefore never lead to serious danger.


That regular breast exams are a better screening tool than mammograms is a suggestion that has been made before, convincingly.


In summary:

mammograms do not appear from the research to have any benefit

regular breast exams are a better screening tool