House of Speed Training for our kids

A Christian brother of mine that lives in my neighborhood has started a new adventure.  He was my youngest son’s AYSO soccer coach so I know that he is truly AMAZING with kids.  I hope and pray that his new adventure continues to grow and prosper.  Here is an email about what House of Speed is all about and the layout of each training session.  Questions? Call Denny!  Denny Spruce at 949.706.7035-office or 949.500.0015-cell or

Here is the flow of each session:

  • Character Discussion- This includes scripture, references, and/or discussions about what it is and how it looks.
  • Dynamic Range of Motion (DROM)- These exercises not only get the kids warmed up safely, they also train the muscles to get into the proper position for optimal speed, agility, and explosiveness. 
  • Skip Drills- These exercises emphasize getting the right body parts in the right positions and applying force to through those positions.  They need the muscle memory to make this happen with each step and without thinking.
  • Work-out Drills- These routines are used to train and develop specific muscles and movements.  This may include ladder drills to core strengthening to resistance training.
  • Play- Just what it sounds like, but they getting to use what they learn.
  • Prayer- Closing prayer

We videotaped the group running during the first session and we will video new members each week.  In the next week or so we will video everyone again.  We will then show them elite athletes, their first run, and their second run and give feedback.

Also in the next week or so we will start to time them in certain drills and runs.  These times will be posted on the My Speed section of the House of Speed website which you will have access to.  They will be able to chart their progress and be able to compare themselves to other HOS athletes of the same age, gender, etc.  They will also be able to see the national HOS records.  They are pretty impressive. 

Here is a complete summary that should field any other questions:  House of Speed

Enjoy this brief interview with Denny, and as always please leave your comments!