Global Media Outreach

The Great Commission ends Matthew’s Gospel with the call to reach the world with the Good News of Christ’s love for the world.  Never in history have we ever conceived of a time when we could reach EVERY person with this message….until NOW.  Global Media Outreach (a subsidiary of Campus Crusade for Christ) has developed a method to reach EVERY person with the Good News not just once but multiple times by 2020.
Their method: A myriad websites sharing the Good News message.  2 million people each day search the Internet for spiritual answers, and Global Media Outreach is there to help them answer their questions and tell them the Good News.
Their results are staggering:
16,000 people indicate they have prayed to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord or recommitted their lives to Him
3,000 people are requesting discipleship follow-up
Over 3 million have indicated that they prayed to receive Jesus as Savior or recommitted themselves to Him
669,443 have requested follow up
Your role:
You can sign up to be an online volunteer! I just did, and I received my first email from someone in the Czech Republic  who just recommitted his life to Christ.  You can interact via email with these new believers to help them on their new journey of faith with online resources and guidance.  It is AMAZING!
Giving:  For those who wish to give financially, here is how the money can impact–if you or your church gives 10,000$=100,000 people will hear the Gospel message; 15,000 people will make decisions to become Christians; 3,000 people will ask for follow-up=WOW!