Is Life and The People In It Passing You By?

So often I live my life like the guy in this video.  Rushing around to get done all my to do’s while

not taking notice of those around me, not connecting, and not taking in all that is available in the moments.

This video reminds me to slow down and be mindful of those around me and to stop and take in each and every moment as if it were our last.

What Is Coaching? Values & Saboteurs

At the top of my website there is a link to a page that explains what coaching is all about, but words can’t do coaching justice.  I have found a great video to explain in a mystical, right brain kind of way what coaching is like.  So humor me….any thoughts??


2 Common themes explored in coaching are: values and saboteurs.

This video starts with a great example of saboteur(s).  It is that little voice or voices that whisper bitter sweet nothings into our hearts: “you are not enough.” “you are a failure.” etc.  Recognizing these saboteurs exist is the beginning to reaching the abundant life.

This video goes on to focus on finding your game aka what are your unique values aka what is your song to the world.


Do Miracles Happen?

My friend in the Middle East has transformed his outreach to non-Christians by adopting the Acts/early church model of outreach:  He prays for people and they are healed.  The New Testament is FILLED with miracles, exorcisms, and other bizarre supernatural events that challenge our western, modern, scientific minds.  Here is a video clip of a miracle.  Is this real? What do you think? More to follow…

Advent Conspiracy

Pathways Church this Christmas season is taking part in an advent conspiracy! Join us in the adventure by giving (you can donate by clicking on link below and giving via credit card to the cause) to provide for a well of fresh, drinking water for a village in Africa. LOVE & LIVE with us as we help the world to drink living water.

What is the Trinity?

There has been much controversy over the concept of the Trinity. It has been tried to be explained in many ways using many analogies that ALL fall short. It has been said that philosophically God is ‘one what’ and ‘three whos’.

It is clear that throughout Scripture God is 3 and 1 at the same time held in a paradoxical tension never to be fully understood this side of heaven.

Much of the recent controversy has been from the depiction of the Trinity by Paul Young in his book The Shack despite the fact that Paul Young has made it very clear that it is a work of fiction and an allegory. In The Shack, Paul Young describes the Trinity as: “I am one God and I am three persons, and each of the three is fully and entirely the one.” God or ‘Papa’ in the story goes on to say: “Love and relationship. All love and relationship is possible for you only because it already exists within Me, within God myself. Love is not the limitation; love is the flying. I am love.”

Here is a pictorial representation of the Trinity:

I don’t think we will every fully grasp nor understand the Trinity this side of heaven. I love what A.W. Tozer has said: “The doctrine of the Trinity…is truth for the heart. The fact that it cannot be satisfactorily explained, instead of being against it, is in its favor. Such a truth had to be revealed; no one could imagine it.” This quote from a GREAT book explaining basic tenets of Christianity: Without a Doubt by Samples

I have added this brief video clip of my 2 cents from a scientific and theoretical perspective to help us get our mind around the concept. (see also Beyond the Cosmos by Hugh Ross) As always please leave your comments!