Lost Coins

This sermon opened my eyes to a richer and deeper meaning to Jesus parable of the lost coins.  It turns out that in the 1st century women would wear a necklace of 10 silver coins around their neck if they were engaged to be married!  So the lost coin was not just any lost coin.  This was a special silver coin (1 of 10).  This coin was one that represented the love of her husband or betrothed.

Part 1: Signs and Wonders in the Digital Age

Westernized Christianity can seem dull, and most of the time, Christians don’t appear any different than their non-believing counter parts.

My friend in the Middle East visited again this summer to super charge and challenge my thoughts on signs and wonders.  The Bible is filled with supernatural signs and wonders.  The western world teaches that these were only for the time ‘back then’ or explains these events away by claiming that people ‘back then’ were very naive.  These miracles never actually happened, were fancy analogies/examples of key teaching principles, or misunderstood by superstitious people back in the past.

What if these signs and wonders could be seen today?

This is the 1st of 3 sermons given by my friend from the Middle East.  I would love to know what you think….

Whiffle Guitar: What is my Calling?

Are you using your guitar as a whiffle bat? It may work but it might be best to play music with it.

Marshill’s newest pastor does a GREAT job of describing how to better find our calling in life….

How do we know God’s will? How do we know our calling?

This sermon ends with a GREAT spiritual meditative prayer exercise that I highly recommend.

Please let us know what you think.

Mom’s Euology

My Mom died last week: December 16, 1929-July 12, 2010

I was asked to give her Euology:

believe, love, live


My Mom was proud of her English degree from Berkley. She would always tell me of the time that she got spit on while she was riding on the San Francisco trolly with her African American girlfriend, and the special privileges she got as an English major. Only the English majors were allowed to read the books in the locked cabinet in the library–catcher In the Rye and Chaucer books.

When it came time for me to decide between Berkley and Stanford the decision was made easy by Mom. “You are going to Stanford!” much to her surprise I came back a changeling as she sometimes would call me.

I believe-I remember exactly where I was standing in our house when I first broached the subject of faith with Mom. She said, “You didn’t become born again did you!” I simply told her that I discovered that there is a God who loves us and is all perfect and all loving who wants to be in relationship with us. It is like taking a test and I have taken a lot of tests. If God is perfect, then He gets 100% on the moral test of life, mother theresa gets on her best day 90%, and well I might get to 50%. The only way to be in an intimate relationship with a perfect, all Holy Being is to ace the moral test which no one can accept God. Solution: God came down in human form as Jesus to take the test for us. All we have to do is accept His gift and say I believe. The following day Mom said, “well, I prayed to accept Jesus into my heart, but nothing happened.” She didn’t like to talk about her faith much or mine for that matter. It was 15 years later when she showed up and sat in the back of the auditorium while I was teaching about the evidence of God from science and philosophy that we spoke again of faith. She said afterwards, “of course I have always known Christianity to be true and I wish that all the kids were here.” she ended a lot of her sentences that way.

She believed in Christ and she believed in all of us. When we were discouraged she would always be there to lift us up. When I had no friends and felt like the world was ending in 7th grade she said, “you have always been a good swimmer. Why don’t you join a swim team.” her belief in me and many of us changed the course of our lives.

She was an avid reader and she loved Langston Hughes poetry. She shared her favorite one with each of her kids….a poem of inspiration and of believing in us…

Well…I’ll tell you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So…don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps.
‘Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now—
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.


Prodigal son-there is an ancient story modernized by Brennan Manning…there was a bright young man….this is the love of God…unconditional, outrageous, crazy

Mom didn’t speak of her faith but she showed it through her unconditional love of me and my kids…an amazing and rare gift to give to all of our kids and those around us…

live on.

Grandma is so lucky! The night mom died I was trying to think of something to say when I tucked my oldest son in for bed…but before I could say anything..he said, “Grandma is SO lucky!”   We have been so lucky, so blessed to love her. But we must remember that she is the lucky one.

We think we live in disneyland let me tell u this is not disneyland…a friend of mine has told me the story of his sons first trip to Disneyland. They went through the gate and he saw all the flowers and just knew that he had made it into Disneyland, and when his dad tried to tell him that this wasn’t Disneyland he refused to budge. We think we r in Disneyland when in reality we r only at the entrance.

“follow the balloons”-when my sister was visiting with Mom in the hospital, and she told Mom that she was going to go down stairs to the cafeteria to get something to drink. Mom said, “just follow the balloons..” This is a time to celebrate because Grandma, Mom has followed the balloons pass the entrance and through the gates to the real Disneyland and she lives on…and she is SO lucky…and we will see her again…it is not good bye but see u later…release the balloon to know that mom is now finally at Disneyland…

Let us release these balloons, and remember the lessons she taught all of us…to believe and to love….

Trials, Temptations, & Thankfulness (James 1)

This is a brief excerpt from a  series at Pathways Church on truths from the book of James (from back in Oct 2008).  

  • TRIAL: I sat on the porch watching my 3 little kids playing in the street realizing that I would/could very well lose everything; a lawsuit that threatened to cause me to lose everything–KEY: No matter how much you have prepared; no matter how much you have planned for every situation; no matter what you say and do; no matter how much control you think that you have–you will be hit in life with things that are unfair and out of your control and yes, even devastating.
  • TEMPTATION: The night before Thanksgiving I lost sight of God.  I doubted His love, His presence.
  • THANKFULNESS:  Thanksgiving day came and although I was not that thankful, I chose to be thankful and list and look for thankful moments “…consider it all joy…”-James 1:1 Later on James mentions a ‘crown of life’.  My pastor friend, Bucky, shared with me that maybe we have misunderstood the ‘crown of life’ to be a crown we receive after we die.  Maybe this is a crown that we wear now on this side of heaven in the kingdom of God that is NOW HERE!  Maybe the trials we go through give us the eyes to see LIFE as God wants us to see LIFE as a GIFT!

Please enjoy my short audio about my “trial” and what it has taught me about thankfulness.  And as always please leave a comment!

Where is God? Part 2: No Where Else To Go (CREATOR)

During our 6 week series titled: Where is God? We will be exploring 6 C’s of Evil and Suffering: Connection, Creator, Choice, Cross, Compassion, and Conclusions.

Part 2 addressed the Creator by looking at the Book of Job.

  • Why ask Why? It is ok to ask why in times of suffering.
  • Friends or Fiends? Job’s friends had it right the first time when the comforted Job with not trying to answer why but being present with him.  The most honest answer may be: I don’t know, or as C.S. Lewis responded to a theologian friend of his when his wife, Joy, died, “It’s just a bloody mess!”
  • The God of our misunderstanding.  Job’s heart was right, but his theology was wrong.  When we go through a dark time, we often turn to our false understanding of God.  I turned to my understanding of God–a distant God who told me that I was not enough.  Our times of suffering are defining times because we will either run away from a false god of our own making, or we will finally see the true God who is closer than we could ever imagine and who is whispering in our ear, “you are enough! You are my beloved child!”
  • Why to Who.  Finally we turn away from the why and focus on the Who.

Wild and Crazy? Maybe it is the Holy Spirit

I had the opportunity to speak on the Holy Spirit for my wife’s women’s group.  They are doing a series based out of Francis Chan’s book: Forgotten God: Reversing our tragic neglect of the Holy Spirit

The take home message: If it sounds wild and crazy, maybe it is or maybe it is and it is the Holy Spirit working!

“Our guide is the Holy Spirit, whom the early Celtic christians like Patrick called the Wild Goose.  They knew he could not be tamed.  Ours is merely to trust and follow his haunting call, and he will take us on the adventure he has for us…”-Eldridge (The Way of the Wild Heart), pg 125

Please share with us your thoughts after you listen to the teaching.


1. Have you ever been ‘healed’ or have you heard of anyone being ‘healed’ by God/The Spirit?

2. Do you believe that the Holy Spirit still is active? In what ways? Are ‘the gifts’ open or closed?

3. How active is the Holy Spirit in your life?  How does the Holy Spirit manifest?


uberlumen posts:

An Encounter With God

Do Miracles Really Happen?

Miracles and Healings AMAZING Stories

Miracles and Healings #1-4


Turnings by Guy Chevreau

The Kingdom Triangle by JP Moreland

You Were Born For This by Bruce Wilkinson (how to develop a life of everyday miracles)

Where is God? Part 1 Now Here: A Walk Through Psalm 13

I had the honor of flying solo for a sermon at my church.  We are doing a 6 week series titled: Where is God? This 1st in the series addresses some practical tips that can be applied to help all of us to deal with life’s stress, anxiety, pain, and suffering. It is subtitled: Now Here, a walk through Psalm 13.
Here are the power point slides, the 2 video clips, and the audio is below. Please share your thoughts.

Covetousness, Jealousy, Gratitude

Jeff Pries does a beautiful job teaching us in this sermon on covetousness.

  • The 10 commandments are for our benefit.  God wants us to know as Christians the path that will benefit us.
  • Coveting leads to jealousy which is a painful dead end
  • Life is unfair sometimes
  • Be grateful for what you have
  • YOU are enough!

The Power of Forgiveness: Matthew 18

I know that I am getting a nudge to post when I am reading a chapter about forgiveness and I also happen to start listening to a podcast on forgiveness. These notes are a summary of a chapter on forgiveness in “You Were Born for This” by Bruce Wilkinson (Chapter 12: The Forgiveness Key), and the podcast is a sermon done by Mike Erre.  As always, share your thoughts with us.

Forgiveness is VERY important to God and for us to embrace.

There is only ONE thing that we are called to do in the entire Lord’s Prayer:  “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors…”-Matthew 6:12

God, as represented by the King in Matthew 18, gets angry with those He has forgiven of an payable debt refuse to forgive others of a very small debt:

“…so My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trepasses…”-Matthew 18:35 (see also Matthew 6:14-15)

What will God do to us if we don’t forgive?  He will ‘hand us over to the torturers’ (Matt 18:34).  What?! What does this mean?!  It means that God turns His people who refuse to forgive others over to the painful consequences of their own unforgiveness until the person, from their heart, forgives others their trespasses (debts).  We will torment OURSELVES until we open our hearts and forgive.

3 key points to remember:

  • Jesus: “Jesus forgave you.  You can choose to forgive others.”
  • Justice: “Vengeance belongs to God, not to you or me.”
  • Jailer: “You are your own jailer.  Your torment won’t end until you forgive.  Then it will end immediately.  You will be free. And that is what God wants for you.”

2 gifts occur when we forgive:

Poverty, Wealth, Neglect

In this eye opening sermon, Greg Boyd points out that most of us are like the Nazi family in the movie “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”.  We live next door to the concentration camp of poverty, but we are so indebted and deeply set into ‘the system’ that we don’t move to stop it.

Boyd also presents us with incredible data on poverty.