Please enjoy listening to Dave tell his AMAZING faith journey. This first of three parts points out the OC lifestyle as seen by a Jersey boy (and the world). A helpful reminder that we live in an incredibly materialistic place. Dave has become an incredible man of faith through his journey. Here are a few words from Dave:
“I was thinking about how much my present day situation fits with today’s lesson of “are you enough?” If you think about it, if I paid attention to the world around me, the OC lifestyle would definitely tell me I wasn’t nearly enough. I…have no assets other than a 2001 Nissan Sentra and live pretty much paycheck to paycheck (mainly due to restitution). But, because I follow God and not the world, I have a genuine smile on face and countless blessings. It is amazing how little you really need. If we look back only about 50 years, how big were our parents’ and grandparents’ homes? How many baths did they have? Life was smaller and better but Satan is out there convincing many that bigger is better and what they have isn’t good enough. People take their eyes off of God and look at what others have…”
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