Part 5: Can the resurrection show us God?

This is the 5th of 5 lectures/sermons in the Show me God series.  This was taught by Bucky on Easter Sunday.  It points out the importance and power of the resurrection.  As Paul said, “If Christ hasn’t come back to life, our message has no meaning and your faith also has no meaning.” (1Co 15:14 GW)

Men’s Group April 22, 2009: Calvary Road

Men on the Path will be starting one of the most impactual books that I have done: Calvary Road by Roy Hession

We have ordered copies for anyone who doesn’t have a copy yet.  There is also a great study guide/work book which you will enjoy to augment Calvary Road book.

Join us for this life changing book on the TRUE message of the cross: brokenness & belovedness.

Our first meeting today was a review of the Preface & Introduction.  You can review the questions and teaching points, and thought provoking teaching and discussion time.  We wrestled with our hearts that are both broken and beloved.  

We would LOVE your thoughts on the mystery of Scripture stating that our hearts are ‘wicked’ but as Christians, Jesus dwells within our hearts….

Further resources:

Holiness by J.C. Ryle

Waking the Dead by John Eldgridge

Passover and the Cross

I missed yet another ‘God moment’ when I was listening in to a discussion between 2 families about passover and the cross.  Lacking the courage and/or energy to speak up, I listened as the Jewish family and the Catholic family had this dialogue with the conclusions that the passover and the cross are stories that shared from each other and just happen to fall on the same days this year.  I proceeded to try and share with my sister the incredible parallel’s between the passover and the cross during our Good Friday dinner discussions.

We have lost sight of the incredible and miraculous design of the Bible: “The old testament is the new testament concealed and the new testament is the old testament revealed.”-Chuck Missler

One historical event that is truly miraculous and shows us the overwhelming design of the Bible message is the passover and its foretelling of Jesus and his ministry.

Enjoy Mike’s great message as he points out some of the incredible connectedness between the passover and the cross.

  • I have always thought that the plagues in Exodus were just random and honestly very bizarre choices for God to make–locust, frogs, etc…BUT Mike points out that each plague represented God’s very specific and intential counter to each of the major Egyptian false gods.  Once again our western minds and education miss the point and see the choice of plagues as funny and random to satisfy our desire to make fun at the Bible and it’s ‘God’; when in reality, the God of the Bible is VERY real and chose each plague carefully to point out to the Egyptian people that they were worshipping false gods/idols!
  • The Jewish slaves had 2 problems–slavery and the wrath of God just as we have the same 2 problems today (as Paul points out in Ephesians 2)–slavery to sin and the wrath of God.
  • wrath of God:  1. God’s wrath is used to do all that can be done to eliminate sin and 2. again our western mind set now is fixated on God’s love and ignore His Holiness.  But the new testament teaches a different covenant but NOT a different God–the entire Bible teaches of God’s Holiness (His only attribute that is emphasized in the Old Testament by Isaiah’s statement: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord…).  With His holiness comes His wrath against anything that is not holy–i.e. our sin! 3. When we sin and God allows it to continue–that is His judgment; when we sin and we get caught–now that is His mercy… 4. God’s wrath and love merge at the cross.

Enjoy Mike’s sermon and please share your thoughts.

Here is a GREAT summary of the passover and the cross–the golden thread of redemption and the incredible design proven by prophecy and foreshadowing in the Bible is AMAZING!

Luke 18: The rich young ruler & all of His homes

Greg Boyd hits 2 homeruns in a row with these 2 sermons.  The first discusses that age old challenge of the rich young ruler who approaches Jesus and asks Him what must he do to inherit eternal life, and the second discusses Jesus’ comments later on in Luke 18 regarding who is your mother, brother etc….  Both are powerful and moving.

  • The die to stuff exercise at the end of the first is really revealing and powerful
  • The community of Christ teaching that can truly transform our communities throughout the second is inspiring and challenging.

As always share with us your comments.

Men’s Group: April 8, 2009 Suffering

Last Wednesday was one of those Men of the Path sessions where you just had to be there to fully appreciate what went on.  Perhaps I should have written this last Friday, because Francisco taught on pain and suffering.  What better day to reflect on pain and suffering than Good Friday, right?  If you have not gotten to know Francisco I encourage you to do so.  If you attend Wednesday mornings and have had the opportunity to sit at Francisco’s table you know why I said that.  He is a man of few words.  Generally, Francisco does not speak until the end; but when he does, everyone at the table is in awe.  God’s words just flow through him.  We are blessed to have such a man of God in our church community.  Please ask Francisco to share some of his story with you.

Francisco gave us three Scripture verses and three questions.  The Scriptures were:
Matthew 26:39
John 5:30
Hebrews 5:7-8

Take a moment and read each one.  My favorite of those is Hebrews 5:7-8, “While Jesus was here on earth, he offered prayers and pleadings, with a loud cry, to the one who could rescue him from death.  And God heard his prayers because of his deep reverence for God.  Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.”

Incredible, isn’t it?  Even though God heard Jesus’ prayers and knew the deep reverence He had for God, God allowed Jesus to suffer. Why?  Because Jesus, in the form of a man, learned obedience from His suffering.  Knowing this helps in meditating on the questions Francisco had for us.  After all, we seem to be more willing to be obedient, and more willing to give God the steering wheel to our lives when pain and suffering come. 

The questions Francisco had for us are the kind that I cannot answer for you; they are ones that you should answer and record in your journal.  The questions were:

Have you experienced pain and suffering without the help of the Lord?
What is the difference in having those same feelings but having the Lord by your side?
How has the greatness of God’s love affected your life to this day?

For those of you that heard my testimony, you know what happened when I told God, “That’s okay, I want to control my own life; just stay out of it and let me be.  I know what is best for me.”  
Some comments about the second and third questions were:
God gives us a peace in knowing He is with us in every situation;
Even though we may have seen our share of difficulties in this life, having a relationship with God gives us hope;
God is the only One that can do the things He’s done in our lives.

I have asked on occasion that you write me with some of your answers and comments.  I am not going to do that today.  I am going to ask that you go to Drew’s website, www.uberlumen.comand send Drew what God is saying to you about pain and suffering; how He is helping you through today’s problems.  Drew would welcome your comments.

Have a great week; remember, no meeting at the clubhouse this week.  We are supporting Bruce and the rest of the men who put together the All Pro Dads program at Hicks Canyon Elementary by meeting there at 6:30 a.m and putting Servant Leadership into effect.  I hope God has it on your heart to come help.  Who knows, you may even get to eat a few pancakes.

Men’s Group: March 25, 2009 What is your favorite book to read?

Enjoy Dave’s insights about our latest men’s group:

Robby and Bucky teamed up at last Wednesday’s Men of the Path to cover the subject matter of one of the most difficult sessions we’ve had. It was on the value to us, as men, of one book. That book is sometimes called by names such as, The Book of Books, The Owner’s Manual for Life, the Good Book, or Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Of course we are talking about the Bible. No matter what name we use, one thing is clear; the Bible is the Word of God. The icebreaker last week was, “What is your favorite book to read?” It stumped most of us; heck, we’re men, we don’t read unless it has to do with sports or work, right? I don’t know why, but I was stumped on how to answer this question. I knew what the answer “should be,” but it wasn’t the truth; at least I was not comfortable saying the “should” answer. For some reason my tongue was tied. I’ve read a lot of books. In the approximately 12 months I was at Taft, I read more than 36. {If you are wondering what “Taft” is, then go to Drew’s website,, and listen to my testimony, among the many great things for men.} I read some great books; being a new Christian I absorbed them like a sponge. Books like, “Mere Christianity,” “The Screwtape Letters,” the entire “Left Behind” series, “Wild at Heart” and, of course, the Bible. I’m convinced I was tongue-tied on an answer to the “favorite book” question because of the lack of time I spend today in God’s Word. What many of us did was start naming our favorite book of the Bible. It was sad, but at the same time, that fit right into what Robby and Bucky wanted to talk about. Robby and Bucky used Psalm 119:9-16 to stress that the amount of time we spend reading and meditating on the Bible is “serious business.” Please take a moment to read Psalm 119:9-16. Every line talks about God’s Word, doesn’t it? These eight lines say so much. Even though most of us didn’t have answers to that icebreaker we all had answers for the other questions, “What does the Word of God mean to your life?,” Why is the Word of God a useful tool for us as men?” and “How does the Word of God make us more like Jesus? Bucky closed with some “shoulds.” He said the Bible “should” ignite a fire under our bellies. Bucky said the Bible “should” be the final authority in your life (it “should” be the book you consult for everything in your life). Bucky said we “should” spend at least 30 minutes a day in God’s Word. Five minutes a day is not enough for us in the OC; it is like a snack. Here in the OC we need a meal. I’d like to ask that you spend some time “feasting” on the Psalm 119: 9-16 and the preceding questions. Email your thoughts to Bucky and/or Robby. These guys put a lot of time into Wednesday mornings and would love to hear from you. It would be great if those of you that cannot attend take some time to email your comments to Bucky and/or Robby. Their addresses are on this email. Enjoy your time with God and His Word this week.

Men’s Group: March 18, 2009 A response to creation: WORSHIP

Here is a GREAT summary from Dave (and the study questions are below as well):

Our “ice breaker” question last Wednesday, was, “Talk about a beautiful place you have visited or would like to visit.”  I cannot say what was discussed at the other tables but there were some great answers at the table where I sat.  Most of us, including me, mentioned great works of God like the Grand Canyon and the Great Lakes.  But a couple of guys spoke of simpler things.  One was the view while sitting on his screened in porch as a child.  The other was watching a farmer till his land and taking in the smells of the earth as it was being turned over.  Simpler is certainly better, isn’t it?  Close your eyes and think of a simpler time in your life and take in it’s beauty.Bucky covered Psalm 139; please take a few minutes and read the Psalm.  What does this Psalm say to you? Here is a quick synopsis of what Psalm 139 says to Bucky.  Verses 1-6 say God knows us intimately.  Verses 7-12 say God is with us constantly. Verses 13-18 say God made us wonderfully, and verses 19-24 say God judges righteously.  So, if David, knew these things about God, how did it effect his relationship with Him?  If you are familiar with David’s life, you know he was far from perfect.  But the Bible tells us David was a man after God’s own heart.  How can that be?  Well, in looking at the verses of Psalm 139 and how Bucky broke them down it is easy to see what David’s reaction was to each.  Since God knows us intimately, David knew we must TRUST God.  It makes sense, doesn’t it.  If someone knows all about you shouldn’t you be able to trust them?  If God is with us constantly, David knew we must ACKNOWLEDGE Him.  It is amazing how David said that no matter where he went he knew God was there.  God is everywhere.  Since God is always with us shouldn’t we acknowledge His presence and act accordingly?  I think it is funny that some people believe they can get away with something because, “no one is looking.”  How untrue.  God knows everything you think, say and do.  So, when you sin, rather than shy away from God, do what David did; acknowledge Him and repent.  You will feel better faster if you get on your knees and say you are sorry.  Ask God to help you overcome your areas of weakness.  Pete McKenzie says the real turning point in his spiritual life came when he got on his knees and said, “Lord, I am a failure at being a Christian.  Would You help me become the man You want me to be?   Well, I’d say God heard Pete and helped him get to his goal.  Since God made us wonderfully, David knew we must PRAISE God.  We’ve heard it before; God has a purpose for our lives.  We have been given talents and spiritual gifts and must use them both for God, not our own personal gain.   Many of us struggle with this one.  We, as men, find our identity in our work.  We justify why we need to put in 12 hours a day.  I would like you to take a piece of paper and write down the five things that are most important to you.  Then, HONESTLY put down how much time each day you spend on those five things.  This will tell you what is really most important in your life.  Lastly, since God judges righteously, David knew we must FOLLOW God, not try and be Him.  In other words, it is not up to us to judge or take matters into our own hands.  Judgment is reserved for God and God alone.  This is my biggest challenge.  I have a tendency to judge rather than listen with an open mind.   Every Wednesday we end with, “How can we pray for you?”  Well, if you are a man of prayer, my request is you pray for me and my judgmental attitude.  Have a great week; I encourage you to spend some time with God and reflect on the blessings He’s given you.

Please enjoy the study questions from our latest men’s group, and as always, please share your thoughts.

Talk about a beautiful place that you have visited or would like to visit?

Psalm 139-I Must Worship

 1 O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.  3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.4 Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. 5 You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,  too lofty for me to attain.7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, 10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,”  12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!  How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. 19 If only you would slay the wicked, O God! Away from me, you bloodthirsty men! 20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD, and abhor those who rise up against you?  22 I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. 

God knows us intimately—I must_____________him-vv.1-6

God is with me constantly—I must _____________him-vv.7-12

God made me wonderfully—I must____________him-vv.13-18

God judges righteously—I must _______________him—vv.19-24

Questions for Discussion:

1.  What are some of the ways that you see and experience God in this life?

2. How does David’s knowledge of who God is affect his daily life?

3.How is God calling you to live a life of Intimate worship





4. How can we pray for you?



Men’s Group: Abide in Him, March 4, 2009

Thanks to Dave for this brief summary:

When Jesus said,  “remain in me and I will remain in you,” He was saying, continue/stay with me and I will continue/stay with you.  Jesus is there waiting for us, but we must first remain in Him.  One of our questions last Wednesday asked how Jesus provides a way for us to stay with Him in true love.  Can you think of any ways He does this?  Our table came up with prayer/alone time with Him as the number one answer.  It’s been said before, the ONLY way to stay in relationship with someone is to talk to them; spend time with them. That goes for our relationship with God, too.  He already knows us; in order for us to get to know Him, we must talk with and LISTEN to Him on a daily basis.  The only way we can truly love like Jesus is by pursuing Him.  Bucky opened last Wednesday with a great story; it was about him practicing basketball and falling on the court.  His Dad saw Bucky fall, went out and picked him up, and said to his crying son, “Bucky, you have been trying really hard.  If you keep training like that you will be an All American one day.”  Bucky told us those tears vanished instantly because Bucky knew his Dad believed in him.  And, this story serves as a reminder that God believes in us. Bucky made it a point to reinforce what Bill Gaultiere used to always tell us in Guide Group.  That is it isn’t about trying, it is about training.  Abiding in Christ trains our hearts to become more like Him.  We can never be Jesus, but we can train with Him.

What does it look like to be the Good Samaritan?

An AMAZING sermon by Pastor Bucky regarding the daring adventure to be a Good Samaritan, to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our world.  This is a POWERFUL sermon that I am confident you will enjoy.  At the end of his sermon there is an incredible testimony of what we can do if we lead with God’s grace and love EVEN when we can’t or don’t want to.

Men’s Group: February 25, 2009 (Matthew 18:21-35)

Here is another great summary of Men’s Group by Dave:

This past Wednesday we studied the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18:21-35) and how it relates to forgiveness.  Please take a few minutes and read the passage.  I suggest you do it when you have some quiet time because you will get more out of it if you can meditate on the scripture and write in a journal what God says to you about it.   Robby taught on this lesson and he presented a very good question to us; why do we often think about forgiveness as being about the person that needs to be forgiven rather than the person doing the forgiving?  Have you ever thought if you are in a position to forgive that it is about you, not the person you need to forgive?  Cynthia and I used to facilitate a nationally recognized Christ centered divorce recovery program called DivorceCare (  It is an incredible program.  If you know of anyone who is divorced and they haven’t been through a program PLEASE tell them about DivorceCare.  It does not matter how long they’ve been divorced; it will be the best advice you’ve ever given them.  Encourage them to attend.  Anyway, what I am leading into here is that there was an entire session spent on forgiveness.  This lesson leads off with the statement; “It’s not what you eat, but what is eating you that will kill you.”  How true; if we don’t find it in our hearts to truly forgive, we will harbor bitterness.  That bitterness will come out at some point; most likely against someone we love and care for, someone who did nothing to hurt us.  One thing to remember when talking about forgiveness; forgiveness is not reconciliation.  It is not condoning a behavior and saying it is okay.  Forgiveness is letting go, or setting down a load and not picking it up again.  Reconciliation is restoring a relationship.  You can forgive without condoning or reconciling.  Forgiveness is a decision, not a feeling.  We may not feel like forgiving but we can and should decide to forgive.  One last thing from that DivorceCare lesson; don’t expect or wait for an apology to forgive.  In other words, don’t try to assume control by saying the person must answer to YOU.  No, they must answer to GOD.

Now, back to our Wednesday discussion.  Two lines really got to me in this parable.  They were verses 29-30. Go back and read them. Can you imagine being the guy on your knees begging for forgiveness and the other “person” in the parable is God and He is telling you, “No, you are not forgiven?”  Where would you be?   

I asked a question in the beginning of this email about forgiving being more important to the person forgiving than the person in need of forgiveness.  Forgiveness produces several great benefits for the forgiver.  One is freedom.  Forgiving gives the forgiver the freedom to move on.  It is very healing because the situation no longer has power over the “wronged” person.  If you are in a position to forgive and don’t, you could end up depressed, bitter and/or angry.  All of those will eventually result in loneliness.  Who wants to be around a person like that?  Forgiveness produces healthier relationships.  And, remember what Jesus told us in Matthew 6:14-15; “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”  That is a pretty frightening statement, isn’t it?  It is right there is black and white (or red in some bibles).  I mean what happens if God doesn’t forgive you?  Where do you end up?

Bruce Peotter said something I believe is a very helpful tip for those of you who are married.  Each night before he and Kelly go to sleep, they talk about whether or not either of them said anything that hurt the other person and need to ask forgiveness for.  Think about it.  Rather than “addressing” the issue right then and there, which will almost always result in a heated conflict, you know you can save the situation for later when things have calmed down and talk about it rationally.  Just knowing you have that in your back pocket can keep the person who was “wronged” in a better frame of mind.  I think it is a great idea, don’t you?

How does one forgive?  Well Francisco said that one best.  You must first receive God’s forgiveness before you can truly forgive.  Then, rather than struggling with it yourself; turn the matter over to God.  Try something like, “Lord, make me willing to be willing to forgive because I am not there yet.”  That will really set your heart on the right path.  Some folks never really address their wrongs.  They say over time they forget about it, that time heals all wounds.  Well, from co-facilitating DivorceCare for almost two years I can honestly say, “Time does not heal all wounds.  It covers them.  Only Jesus can truly heal.

Well, I guess I made up for last week’s short email.  Thank you for taking the time to read this.  May God bless you and keep you.


Men’s Group: John 8:1-11 February 18, 2009

Summary from Dave:

On Wednesday morning we read the story of Jesus and the woman “caught” in adultery (John 8:1-11).  Please take a few minutes and read it before you continue.  And, as you read it consider your answers to these questions and record them in your journal:

Who do you relate to most in this story?  Why?

What is the purpose of the “Law” in our lives?

Well, many of us agreed that the woman in the story (the adulterer) represents all of us.  We are all sinners; no one is perfect, only God.  And, it is a reminder that before we go around condemning others for their sins, we need to look at ourselves, because in God’s eyes, all sin is the same.  An adulterer’s sin is not any greater than someone who cheats and lies in business or someone who views pornography.  In other words, it doesn’t matter which commandment you break, they are all sins and they hurt the One who loves us.  The grace that Jesus showed this woman is the same grace He shows us every minute of every day.  And, when we repent, Jesus commands us to go and sin no more (that is the key – we must go to Jesus and repent).  What I find interesting in this story is that Jesus tells the woman He does not condemn her but He does not tell her she is forgiven.  If you have some thoughts on that please write me; I’d like to hear them.

To the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, the Law represented the truth.  But Jesus turned the tables on them.  He showed them they were no better in God’s eyes than this woman.  The truth was, they were all sinners.  None of them was capable of judging the woman; judgment is up to God, not us.  We learned last Wednesday that the Law shows us the need for a Savior. Without Jesus we all fall short of the Law and none of us would make it to heaven. Have you thought about where you are on the grace/truth scale in your relationships?  Many of us are slanted toward one or the other.  Of course, Jesus was the perfect balance of grace and truth.  Who gives the grace in your relationship and who is the person of truth?  I know I am a man of truth.  It is difficult for me to show grace; I want to ram truth down your throat.  But, to counteract that, to temper my truth, God introduced me to Cynthia. If you saw my email last week you remember the grace Cynthia showed me.  By pairing me with Cynthia God is showing the grace given to me.  And, if you’ve gone on to the Uberlumen website ( and listened to my testimony you know I do not deserve a woman of Cynthia’s caliber.  Kind of like how we do not deserve the grace, mercy and forgiveness God gives us.  God sure is good, isn’t He?.

Men’s Group: The Good Samaritan February 11, 2009

Then an expert in Moses’ Teachings stood up to test Jesus. He asked, “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus answered him, “What is written in Moses’ Teachings? What do you read there?” He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind.’ And ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.'” Jesus told him, “You’re right! Do this, and life will be yours.” But the man wanted to justify his question. So he asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied, “A man went from Jerusalem to Jericho. On the way robbers stripped him, beat him, and left him for dead. “By chance, a priest was traveling along that road. When he saw the man, he went around him and continued on his way. Then a Levite came to that place. When he saw the man, he, too, went around him and continued on his way. “But a Samaritan, as he was traveling along, came across the man. When the Samaritan saw him, he felt sorry for the man, went to him, and cleaned and bandaged his wounds. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day the Samaritan took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. He told the innkeeper, ‘Take care of him. If you spend more than that, I’ll pay you on my return trip.’ “Of these three men, who do you think was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by robbers?” The expert said, “The one who was kind enough to help him.” Jesus told him, “Go and imitate his example!” (Luke 10:25-37 GW)


Who do you most identify with in this story and why?


Have you ever felt like or been the man on the street?


What are the barriers to helping the man on the street?


Have you ever been too busy to help someone?


Is our decision to help someone determined more by our character or by our circumstances?[1]


What can we do to better prepare ourselves to be a good neighbor?


How can we ‘go and imitate [the good Samaritan’s] example’? [2],[3]


[2] “God does not demand of me that I accomplish great things.  He does demand of me that I strive for excellence in my relationships.”-Ted W. Engstrom, The Making of a Christian Leader, 81

[3] Luke 10:37

Men’s Group January 14, 2009 David’s ‘meekness’

Last  Wednesday Bucky  covered Psalm 37 and 1Samuel 24 (where David spares Saul’s life).  Please take a few minutes and read both of those before you continue.  Remember, your relationship with God is only as good as what you put into it.  I like how Bucky has connected a Psalm each week to a part of David’s story.  These two (now that you’ve read them) relate because David’s prayer in Psalm 37 revolves around not paying evil with evil but leaving the revenge to the Lord.  And, as usual, David speaks from experience.  David knows if we repay evil with evil, evil will come back to us (our moment of power will be short-lived).  If we truly trust God then we will trust in the justice of God.  Bucky made it clear this Psalm is about one-to-one situations; it generally does not apply to nations. In other words, we must turn the other check and pray for the person, not seek out our own vengeance.  This applies to our families, work, neighbors, etc.  Bucky really threw me when he said David showed meekness when Saul entered that cave to “relieve himself” giving David the chance to kill him (it is amazing the restraint David showed because his men were urging him to kill Saul – a sign of a true leader).  The word meekness just didn’t seem to fit, you know, like,” themeek shall inherit the earth,” from the Beatitudes.  I always thought of the meekas being the wimpy, quiet, nerdy types.  Then Bucky gave the following definition of meekness:  meekness is power and aggression under control and channeled in a different way.  Wow!  David was showing his controlled power by cutting Saul’s robe to let him know he could have killed him.  He was channeling his aggression by pulling back and letting Saul know, “I am not the bad guy here.”    Even though David was on the run from Saul; even though David lost everything (remember the five things he lost from Bucky’s message on Sunday – his job, his wife, his best friend, his spiritual leader and his self respect), David did not repay evil with evil when he had the chance.  David left justice up to God, and even though Saul pulled back in tears this time, he still pursued David and David went through more gut-wrenching situations before God brought that justice.  After all, it is in God’s time, not ours, right?  Imagine if we lived this way in our jobs, with our families and in our neighborhoods. 

Men’s Group January 7, 2009: What is your giant in 2009?

What is your giant in 2009? How can you make your giant into a dwarf?

We discussed David’s response to his giant-Goliath:

1. He relied on his past.

  • Tool chest: God gives each of us a unique set of tools/gifts that we must use.  David’s tools was his ability to fight lions and bears.  With this unique skill, he was able to face his giant with confidence.
  • God’s faithfulness: I know of some friends who keep a diary/journal logging all of God’s faithfulness in the peaks and pits of life so that they can look back on know that God is faithful.

2. He trusted God for his future.  David fought his giant by trusting in God for the future.

3. Living in the present.  

  • my giant is FEAR.  I fear the future.
  • I can make my giant into a dwarf by living in His presence, trusting in God’s plan for the future, and praising God’s past faithfulness.

“But David said to Saul, “Your servant was tending his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and took a lamb from the flock, I went out after him and attacked him, and rescued it from his mouth; and when he rose up against me, I seized him by his beard and struck him and killed him. “Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, since he has taunted the armies of the living God.” And David said, “The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine ” And Saul said to David, “Go, and may the LORD be with you.” Then Saul clothed David with his garments and put a bronze helmet on his head, and he clothed him with armor. David girded his sword over his armor and tried to walk, for he had not tested them. So David said to Saul, “I cannot go with these, for I have not tested them.” And David took them off. He took his stick in his hand and chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in the shepherd’s bag which he had, even in his pouch, and his sling was in his hand; and he approached the Philistine.”-1 Samuel 17:34-40

Insights from Dave:

Last Wednesday Bucky presented us with Psalm 20 and it’s “prequel,” the story of David and Goliath.  Before going further please take a few moments and read both in that order.  

What we learned was Psalm 20 was a prayer David prayed as an intercessory prayer over his army before battle.  In this prayer, David tells his army some “May God” items:
May the Lord answer…
May he send you help…
May he remember…
May he give you the desire…

Then, David tells his army that he knows the Lord saves his anointed and that they need to trust in the Lord, not in chariots and horses.  David knew God wasn’t in the background but on the frontlines with him and his men.

How did David know these things? That is where the story of David and Goliath comes in.  Couldn’t you say that David knew from experience that the Lord saves his anointed?  There is so much to write about this story; like how the Lord was preparing David for that day through his sheparding of sheep (David was a “professional” with that slingshot), and how all of the Israelites judged Goliath by his outward appearance (Goliath was a giant); they didn’t realize God looks at the heart.  David’s heart was in the right place because he had a relationship with God.  His psalms are proof that David kept a journal and talked with God daily; David knew God was with him.  When he decided to take on Goliath he wasn’t doing something careless.  I believe he talked with God about it first; he prayed, meditated and listened for God’s voice.

Our discussion focused on two things – victories and giants.  What victories has God given you in the past?  What giants are you facing in the New Year?  Take a few minutes and write down your thoughts on these two questions.  If you have a journal you may want to record them there.  Around our table, most folks talked about the economy as one of their giants.  But, we were fortunate to have Patrick at our table; I like how God speaks to Patrick (and am thankful Patrick is listening for God’s voice).  Patrick said God is probably smiling about our down economy because more people turn to God in tough times.  So, financially, it may not be good for our nation, but in terms of salvation, it could be a booming time for God.  This line has had me thinking the last few days.  I thought, if I am thinking and worrying about the economy, I am selfishly thinking of myself and not the things of God; my trust is in horses and chariots and not in God.  God takes care of His anointed – I need to put my focus on Him, not me; God has me covered.

Brennan Manning #4: Abba’s Child

This is part 4 of 4 in the Brennan Manning speaking series from Mariners Church in 1996.  It is AMAZING!  I have been sharing these lectures with men from my men’s group for years, and they ALL have been AMAZED and changed by his beautiful insights, humor, and stories.  If you haven’t heard him speak or read any of his books please start NOW.

Some of my favorites:

Ruthless Trust

Signature of Jesus

Rabbi’s Heartbeat

Brennan Manning #3: My Journey with Jesus

This is part 3 of 4 in the Brennan Manning speaking series from Mariners Church in 1996.  It is AMAZING!  I have been sharing these lectures with men from my men’s group for years, and they ALL have been AMAZED and changed by his beautiful insights, humor, and stories.  If you haven’t heard him speak or read any of his books please start NOW.

Some of my favorites:

Ruthless Trust

Signature of Jesus

Rabbi’s Heartbeat

Start the New Year with a Resolution: A Daily Devotional

Now is the time to start a yearly devotional.  It is imperative to our walk with Christ to be in a devotional daily. The secret to the best devotionals? Reading the Bible (And if you do this every year, one way to motivate you to keep going is to read through the Bible in a different translation than one that you usually read e.g. New Living Translation, New American Standard, God’s Word, to name a few):

1. The Discipleship Journal has several options (I am doing this one this year) AND I am using a different Bible translation: Holman Christian Standard Bible AND I am reading the Bible using The Apologetics Study Bible which is excellent for those with a lot of questions.

2. A One Year Bible is a great way to go

A few GREAT options for those who want to do a daily devotion but not read through the Bible:

1. The One Year Book of Church History (I just finished this one, and it was AMAZING! I HIGHLY recommend it.)

2. Promises by Bill Bright (I did this one years ago. It is excellent, but I think it is out of print.)

3. Our Daily Bread: You can download it to your PDA, read it online, or order a paper copy. (I have done this one for years, and it is simple, concise and FREE! They will send you a free copy FOREVER–even tracked me down when I moved across the country!)

4. The One Year Book of Bible Prayer is another great option.

5. has a eDevotion that is sent to you via email, and they have some GREAT paper devotionals

(Their Daily Walk will walk you through the Bible in a year, and their Closer Walk will walk you through the New Testament in a year–both are excellent.)

Finally there are some GREAT audio options:

1.  The Bible Experience (you can buy on itunes via audiobooks or at their website)  I have bought the book of John and the Psalms and listened through it.  They are VERY good. 

2. The Bible Podcast is a FREE audio version of the Bible that is also excellent.

It doesn’t matter what you do as much as doing SOME form of daily devotion.  Ideally you are reading the Bible daily.

Why do I date other men?

Laughter is often the first response when I share with others that I “date” other men, but they soon realize that I am serious.  I have developed deep, intimate, tell all relationships with several men in my life, and it has transformed my marriage, my parenting, and my life.  It is a fundamental piece of being fully alive.

How do you do this?

1. First: Finding the right man for you.  What does this future confidant look like? 

a. CHEMISTRY: We all know that there are certain people that we have ‘chemistry’ with.  There are some guys that you know that you really enjoy their company, and their personalities mesh with yours.  How do you find them? You have to get involved! Go to men’s group!

b. VOLUNTERABILITY: It takes stepping out–moving beyond your comfort zone and removing your mask.  This is the toughest step.  It will take time to break down the walls that we as men construct to keep everyone away.  You have to start with small forays into sharing a little carve out of your struggles and pains to see how it goes.  If you find the right guy, he will respond in kind, and you both will continue to grow deeper in your friendship.

c. TRUST: You have to set up a wall around your relationship with this guy.  Once you establish that this may be the right guy, and you have started the process of volunterability.  You will need at some point to establish boundaries to protect your ‘secrets’.  This is a verbal agreement to keep what you each share confidential.

2. Second: What do you do with the right guy?

a. TIME: You have to carve out the time to meet.  It is essential that you have an agreement to meet weekly or biweekly.  I have also developed a habit of calling (yes often daily) to check in and catch up when I can’t meet that week or so.

b. TALK: What usually happens when you have the time to meet or talk on the phone? Men talk about…..NOTHING! The weather, sports, etc.  STOP! I need to intentially STOP, and get on subject.  This is key because I STILL do this with my confidants! I find that we have burned through the time we have together by talking about nothing substantial.  Don’t get me wrong, these topics are fun and important commaradirie…BUT it is just what they say it is: SMALL talk.  The BIG talk must be done, and it can be hard work.  Ask and Listen.  How is your marriage going? What was the last fight about with your bride? How are each of your kids? How are you doing with your struggles? etc.

3. Third: Why?

Deep, intimate fellowship with a brother WILL transform your life! It will make you a better husband, father, friend, co-worker, and ‘little’ Christ.

A friend sent me a link to an entry on his blog that describes the importance and power of joining a group of men: “Some Honest Men”  

Try it! And let us know your thoughts.