Overwhelm is a HOT topic. We all feel overwhelmed at some time in our lives. Our To-Do lists are stuffed to the gills, and we walk around in a To-Do list haze so overwhelmed that we are so busy listening to the tape playing in our heads of what we need To-Do instead of capturing all the amazing things happening all around us.
Solutions? Burn the To-Do list? Maybe.
1. Practice Present Perfect: Our brains are designed to be in the present moment, but our To-Do lists and overwhelm feelings and thoughts are predominantly in the future. The studies show that by not being focused in the present our brainsare much less efficient so the overwhelm and To-Do lists are actually making us less productive. How do we practice being more present? Keep a 3×5 card in your pocket or jot down notes in your smartphone when you are in a moment that you have lost track of time in. These moments of flow are the present moments that bathe our brain in the chemicals that make us more efficient, more productive, and are the antidote for overwhelm.
2. Purpose: It is easy to live in the land of overwhelm when we lose site of our purpose. When was the last time you were truly thrilled? What was your most recent peak experience? Tapping into these moments will help you focus on doing the things that you were made to do. The things that you were made to do are those things that thrill you. Get in touch with your thrilling moments and you will begin to get in touch with your Yes’s. Now list the 1-5 things that you most love to do at work, at home, etc. This is your YES list. These are the To-Do items that you were designed to Do and Be with.
3. Prioritize: Starting with No’s leads to less overwhelm and more YES. I recently challenged one of my clients to put together a list of 50 No’s. 50 items that he is going to say no to. What is on our list of No’s? Which of these No’s are you going to commit to? I would love to say No to checking my email on my smartphone when out to dinner…..The NO list is the list that frees us up to say YES.